
Aleksander S. Popel, Professor
- Telephone: 410-955-6419
Present Positions
- Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University
- Professor, Department of Oncology, and member, Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University
- Professor, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University
Visiting Professor Positions
- Imperial College, Department of Bioengineering, London, U.K. 2017
- The Newton Institute, University of Cambridge, U.K., 2009
- Department of Pathology/Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School (angiogenesis), 2003-2004
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (computational biology), 2003-2004.
M.S. in Mechanics and Ph.D. in Biofluidmechanics, Moscow University.
Selected Honors and Awards
- Distinguished Bioengineering Lecture, University of California, Riverside, 2017
- Wiederhielm Award (for the most highly cited original manuscript in Microcirculation over the previous 5 year period), 2015
- Keynote speaker, The 6th International Conference on Computational Bioengineering (ICCB), Barcelona, Spain, 2015
- Keynote speaker, NCI meeting of Integrative Cancer Biology Program (ICBP) and Physical Science Oncology Centers (PSOC), 2015
- Keynote speaker, The 5th International Conference on Computational Bioengineering (ICCB), Leuven,Belgium, 2013
- Keynote overseas speaker, International Symposium of Next-Generation Integrated Simulation of Living Matter (ISLiM)) (on the occasion of inauguration of Japan's 10 peta flop K-supercomputer), Tokyo, Japan, 2012
- The C. Forbes Dewey Distinguished Lectureship in Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011
- Keynote speaker, The Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) European Union Physiome Project, 2010
- Eugene M. Landis Award, The Microcirculatory Society, 2009
- A.C. Suhren Lecture, Tulane University, 2009
- Robert M. and Mary Haythornthwaite Distinguished Lecturer, Temple University, 2006
- Kawasaki Medical Society Lecturer, Japan, 2004
- Inaugural Fellow, Biomedical Engineering Society, 2005
- Fellow, American Heart Association, Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences, 2001
- Fellow, American Physiological Society (Cardiovascular Section), 1995;
- Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, 1994;
- Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1992;
- Board of Directors, Biomedical Engineering Society (1992-1995);
- William H. Huggins Excellence in Teaching Award, Johns Hopkins University.
Editorial Boards
- Nature Scientific Reports (Editorial Board) 2012-2017
- Annals of Biomedical Engineering (Associate Editor)
- Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (Associate Editor); Microcirculation
- (Associate Editor); Microvascular Research
- (Editorial Board); Frontiers in Computational Physiology and Medicine
- (Editorial Board); American Journal of Cancer Research (Editorial Board); American Journal of Physiology (Heart Circ. Physiol.) 1999-2005
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine (Associate Editor) 2008-2015
Selected Service
- Steering Committee, International Society of Pharmacometrics (ISoP) Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) Special Interest Group (SIG)
- Scientific advisory committee (SAC) for the 2018 11th World Congress for Microcirculation (2017-2018)
- Advisory Board, National Center of Systems Biology, The Virtual Physiological Rate Project, (2011-2015)
- IMAG (Interdisciplinary Modeling and Analysis Group), Multiscale Systems Biology Working Group founder and co-lead (2010-2015);
- Meritorious Awards Committee, North American Vascular Biology Organization (NAVBO) (2010-2013)
- FASEB Summer Research Conference Advisory Committee (2009-2012)
- BMES representative to IUPS U.S. National Committee (2009-2012);
- Co-Chairman of the IUPS (International Union of Physiological Sciences) Physiome and Systems Biology Committee (2001-2014)
- Chairman of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering Fellows Selection Committee (2001-2004)
- Member at Large, U.S. National Committee for the IUPS at the NAS (2001-2006)
- Member, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE)
- College of Fellows Academic Council (Johns Hopkins University representative) (1998-Present)
- Chair, BMES Meetings Oversight Committee (2006-2007)
- Program Chair, 2005 BMES Annual Meeting
Over 350 original manuscripts, chapters, and review articles, co-editor of 2 books.

Adam C. Mirando, Ph.D.
Ph.D. in Biochemistry, University of Vermont (2015)

Niranjan B. Pandey, Ph.D.
Telephone: 410-502-6586
Molecular Biophysics, Florida State University
Postdoctoral Positions: MIT, Center for Cancer Research; Harvard University, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Drug development at Johnson & Johnson and biopharmaceutical industry

Theinmozhi Arulraj
PhD in Systems Immunology, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Germany (2021)

Hanwen Wang
M.S. in Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University (2019)
B.S. in Bioengineering: Biotechnology, UC San Diego (2017)

Haoyang Mi
M.S. in Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University (2020)
B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, Northeastern University, China (2018)

Akash Patil
M.S. in Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University (2020)
B.S. in Bioengineering, Georgia Institute of Technology (2018)

Natsuki Furukawa
M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo (2019)
B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo (2017)

Rebeca H. Oliveira
M.S. in Biomedical Engineering, University of Brasília (2020)
B.S. in Electrical Engineering, University Center of Brasília (2018)

Zhenzhen Wang
M.S. in Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University(2021)
B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, Nanjing University, China (2019)

Shuming Zhang
B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, Washington University (2018)

Mukul Sherekar
Texas A&M, Master of Biotechnology (2010)